Places to visit in Philippines: Samal Island is the best!

One of the best places to visit in Philippines is Samal Island, Davao del Norte. Samal’s full name is the Island Garden City of Samal, which gives you an idea of its natural beauty. It’s renowned for its white sandy beaches, amazing diving opportunities and coral reefs. Its beaches are lined with coconut palms, so it is an archetypal tropical paradise. If you want to rest and relaxation coupled with the opportunities to do water sports and laze on a beach, this is the place for you. A word of warning though, if you sling a hammock between two coconut palms, beware falling coconuts!

There’s more to see on Samal Island of course! To begin with there’s a bat cave which is home to around 1,800 fruit bats. These creatures may not be to your liking, but the interesting thing about them is that people say that they are responsible for the prolific amounts of durian on the island. If you have been to Thailand, for example, you may have already tasted durian, which is not to everyone’s taste. If you haven’t tried it, do, but be warned that it smells different from other fruit. You’ll either love it or hate it!

Two of the most interesting places to visit in Philippines is undoubtedly the unique Aundanao Fish Sanctuary on the eastern side of the island and the Vanishing Island, or Sanipaan Shoal. This small island completely disappears at high tide, hence its name. The fish sanctuary was originally set up to preserve the fish and marine life in the island’s seas, as overfishing and illegal practices were taking their toll. Now the sanctuary is a popular tourist destination, but to get the best experience scuba diving is essential.

If you tire of lazing on a beach or doing water sports, you can go into the island’s interior and head for Mamacao Spring and its huge Balete tree. The locals make use of it for washing both themselves and their clothes. Great photo opportunities are to be had there! The spring is in a lush green forest and you will pass another spring in your way. This is Solomon’s which is very close to a small mosque, a reminder that not all islanders are Christian (although the majority are). You can hike to the spring or go on a mountain bike. You may have to carry your bike a short distance along the path in the forest. On your way to Mamacao spring, you will notice signs indicating the path to the Japanese Cave House, where Japanese soldiers sought shelter during the Second World War (1939 -1945). Samal Island takes its name from the indigenous people who were known as the Isamals who came from Sulawesi, the Moluccas and Borneo. They arrived centuries ago and prior to the arrival of the Americans in the 20th century, the Isamals were ruled by a datu or king.

It is truly worth your money to spend in visiting this place. Read Behold the beauty of Samal Island and know what others say about it.

The island’s history is very interesting and worth reading about before you go there. Certainly, Samal Island, with all it has to offer, should rank as one of the best places to visit in Philippines.

Simply surf the web and book on the best hotel to stay in Samal Island, Davao del Norte, Philippines.

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