Tour at the Palawan Underground River, Philippines

Early inhabitants of the Palawan Underground River believed that evil spirits live in the caves. With exploration and research, this belief has changed. Today, Palawan Underground River is Philippines’ amazing place that draws up to 900 curious visitors each day. For many locals and foreigners, the river is a unique natural treasure. The excellent way to explore the great Underground River is to schedule a tour that will take you on an enlightening and fun tour across some parts of the river. This underground river cave contains various interesting features. with all, any spelunking enthusiast would like, including maze-like passage paths and the wide chambers. You may too see some animals in the underground river cave. There are also stalagmites and stalactites formations in interesting patterns.

What Makes Caving So Appealing

In the old days, people across the world valued caves as sacred sites. To this day, caves continue to attract visitors who have an appetite for the unknown. They also fascinate researchers, as the caves offer valuable information about the past. Tourists can explore the Palawan Underground River through a boat cruise. The trained boatmen will take you to different passageways and point out fascinating formations inside the cave. The regular tour lets you see approximately the first 1.5 kilometers of the river. When you want to see the deeper parts of the cave, you have to request a special permit. The managing government agency, however, only gives this type of permit to scientists and researchers.

For more information on what else you can see inside the cave also visit Philippines’ Tourist Spot: Palawan Underground River.

Tips for a fun and safe trip to the Palawan Underground River

Always stay with your group. As part of the tour to this famous Philippines’ amazing place, you’ll have the chance to explore the St. Paul Subterranean Mountain River, National Park. Don’t go wandering alone, as you may meet an accident and won’t have a way to ask for help. Stay within your boundaries. Other than the boat tour, you can take a mangrove forest tour and a jungle trekking tour. While it’s fun to try new activities, always think about your skill level. If it goes beyond your capacity, inform your guide so you can receive proper assistance. Bring the right gear and wear proper clothing. Trails and walkways may be slippery. Use footwear with good traction to avoid injuries. Wear comfortable clothing, like a tee and also a pair of shorts or maybe workout pants, particularly when you are taking a trekking tour at this Philippines’ amazing place. During the boat tour, a guide uses a flashlight to light the way and point out interesting areas. It is very dark inside the cave. If this is a problem, think about bringing extra lighting gear, such as a flashlight or headlamp.

Looking for the best hotel to stay in Palawan is quite easy and very affordable.

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